5. LPSE Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat - Pengumuman Tender Non-Eproc. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 3 Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Akun KPA dan PPK. No. 5 Pengadaan Langsung: Rp. Tipe Swakelola. 1. 4 Agustus 2023 10:52. ID card of the directors/directors/company owners/authorized officials in the company. Jika Anda kesulitan membaca Kode di atas, klik di sini untuk mengganti Kode baru. Login as Vendor. 967. 11B, Jakarta Selatan. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 119. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. LKPP dan afiliasinya berhak/dapat menambah, mengurangi, memperbaiki aturan dan ketentuan aplikasi SPSE setiap saat, dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya; LKPP dan afiliasinya berhak/dapat menambah, mengurangi, memperbaiki fasilitas yang disediakan aplikasi SPSE setiap saat, dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan. jdih. Login as Vendor. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Procurement Product RUP LPSE Blacklist Download menu. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Susun Model Dokumen Pemilihan, LKPP Pastikan Pelaku PBJ Punya Payung Hukum yang Tepat. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 000,00. June 13, 2023 10:30. Procurement Product RUP LPSE Blacklist Download menu. Jasa Konsultansi Badan Usaha Konstruksi 5. Password. Password. 5 Tender. Jenis Pengadaan. Application letter for change email with Company Letterhead and stamped 10000 signed by the Director/Director. Rp. registrasi. 2. User ID. No. id. Pilih K/L/PD/Instansi Lainnya. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 5 / SPSE ICB (Pilih salah satu) [email protected],59: 3 Oktober 2023 08:00: 4: Pengadaan Landmark spse 4. Undangan Rapat Kerja Nasional LPSE 2016. 5 Pengadaan Langsung Pengadaan Langsung Ulang: Rp. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 216. Proses Pemilihan dilanjutkan di SPSE ICB: Rencana Umum Pengadaan: Kode RUP Nama Paket Sumber Dana; 41147785: Riam Kiwa Multipurpose Dam Construction Project; 1 Unit; 0 juta m3; F; K; MYC: APBN: Uraian Singkat Pekerjaan: DOC1676862765spektek. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Login as Vendor. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Link. 5 Tender. 2. Login. 00 WIB. 595. Login. check announcement. 000,00. 371. 5 Pelaku Usaha - Non Tender (Januari 2022) 8 Februari 2022 09:02. Login as Vendor. Persyaratan dan Ketentuan. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 000. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. :. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. For more informations please contact us. 19, Jun 2023. 000,00. Contract Award Information. 714. Login as Vendor. 17 Oktober 2022. 04 Desember 2023 21:34 WIB. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5 Desember 2023 16:00. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5 Tender Tender Ulang: Rp. Password. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Nov 28, 2023 · Website: © 2006-2023 Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah Dec 10, 2023 · User Guide SPSE v4. 5 Seleksi Seleksi Ulang. Dec 10, 2023 · We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Password. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 958. Dec 9, 2023 · Pemerintah menetapkan aplikasi Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE) yang dikembangkan oleh Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) sebagai Aplikasi Umum Bidang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah (PBJP). 4 Agustus 2023 10:53. Akses ke Dalam SPSE Pendaftaran Pelaku Usaha Untuk Menggunakan SPSE Untuk dapat mengikuti Non Tender melalui Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE), terlebih dahulu Publik (masyarakat umum yang termasuk di dalamnya perusahaan yang akan menjadi pelaku usaha) harus We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Aplikasi SPSE v4. ADP Online INAPROC Online SIKaP Online SiRUP Online JaIM Online PPSDM Online Update terakhir 09-12-2023 15:31, setiap 5 menit. 000. User ID. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Login. Login as Vendor. 5 Tender Dec 9, 2023 · Closing of SPSE ICB Technical Problems. Sejarah Dan Manfaat Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) Layanan ini adalah suatu sistem yang dibentuk dalam hal ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan nilai-nilai good governance dalam suatu layanan pengadaan barang atau jasa yang dilindungi oleh APENDO (Aplikasi Pengaman Dokumen) dan Lemsaneg atau Lembaga. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 6. Find News. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5 Pelaku Usaha - Non Tender (Januari 2022) Lampiran: User Guide SPSE v4. 440. 2. 619. |. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. name} Sub-contract does not have to be inputted. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your [email protected] encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 5 Tender: Rp. Password. 714. Pemeliharaan Penerbitan Kartu SAM dan Pemanfaatan Card Reader spse 4. WIBWe encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Nama Penyedia Isi email : Nama Penyedia : NPWP : Alamat : User ID : Sistem yang digunakan : SPSE 4. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 5 Tender. 5u20231206; Agregasi SIKaP: Aktif ID LPSE: 683. services through QCBS and CQS methods, only the modified SPSE (termed by LKPP as SPSE-“ICB”) may be used applying the Bank’s Standard Request for Proposal (SRFP) document for QCBS and Modified SRFP document for CQS until such time as the system is further enhanced and streamlined into the next version of the SPSE 4. 126. JUNIOR REGIONAL PLANNING EXPERT FOR NATIONAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (NUDS) May 29, 2023 14:35. 5 sudah menyesuaikan Peraturan Presiden No. 224,00. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 224,00. Consultant Development of Sustainable Financing Strategies for Indonesias Micro, Small and Medium Size Enterprises in the Blue Economy. Pengadaan Konsultan Pengawas Rehabilitasi Bangunan Gedung Kantor Permanen (Kusen, pintu dan jendela) spse 4. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Contact. 5 Pengadaan Langsung: Rp. User KPA menggunakan username yang sama dengan SiRUP LKPP, password dapat sama atau berbeda. 3. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Tentang Kami; Pakta Integritas; Persyaratan dan Ketentuan; Total Pengunjung: 1. Seleksi Batal. [2345999] Notification of Intention of Award . We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. LKPP and its affiliates have rights to do any action necessary about any unable-to-decrypt-files using APENDO or any corrupted files that cannot be opened by ULP. 3. 935. 000,00. 5 Tender. Pekerjaan Pengadaan Tenaga Ahli Pengembangan dan Pemeliharaan Sistem Informasi pada Bagian Keuangan TA 2024 spse 4. 5. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Request for Expressions of Interest - Selection of Emergency Preparedness Consultant (EMPC) Project IsDB Loan IDN-1031. 5 Tender. 15. spse 4. Dengan adanya aplikasi baru ini diharapkan. 12, Jul 2023. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Password. User Guide SPSE v4. 28 Februari 2023 12:30. 5 Seleksi. 958. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5 Tender ATK/Banner/Doorprize Kegiatan Sosialisasi Anti Narkoba Rizki Fahroni spse 4. SPSE terus mengalami penyempurnaan agar semakin mudah. 200. Jogjakarta - Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Ba. Call Center : 158. Contract Title: Civil Works for Lot 2: Bululawang – Sidomulyo – Tambakrejo, Province of East Java. Penetapan ini berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri PAN-RB Nomor 1148 Tahun 2021. 000. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 000,00. Beranda | eProcWe encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. For more informations please contact us . March 22, 2021 10:01. SPSE ICB Ministry of Religious Affairs. 000,00 : 18 Desember 2023 08:00: Jasa Lainnya 5: 1: Pengadaan Jasa Cleaning Service spse 4. 5. Password. Sejak tahun 2008, LKPP telah mengembangkan SPSE dan terus melakukan penyempurnaan sistem tersebut hingga saat ini. LKPP, Jakarta, Indonesia. The document has moved here. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 77. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. [Forgot Password] [Register as Vendor] We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 366. id, E-reverse auction, Competitive Catalogue, Katalog Lokal, SPSE-ICB. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser.